Bryant 6 Ton, 11.0 EER, Legacy Package RTU Gas Heat/Elec Cool with Axion, Two Stage cooling, 460/3

  • California Prop 65

The New Bryant Legacy™ Line rooftop units (RTU) with Axion™ Fan Technology were designed by customers for customers and integrate new technology to provide value added benefits never seen in this type of equipment before.New major design features include:• Patent pending, industry’s first effi-cient indoor fan system using VaneAxial fan with electric commutatedvariable speed motor• Reliable fixed speed scroll compres-sor on 3 to 5 ton sizes and 2 stagescroll technology on 6 ton sizes• Upgraded unit control board with intu-itive indoor fan adjustment• Reliable copper tube/aluminum fincondenser coil with 5/16-in. tubing tohelp reduce refrigerant charge versusprior designs• New outdoor fan system with rugged,lightweight high impact composite fanblade582/559K Legacy™ Line units up to6 tons are specifically designed to fit onBryant roof curbs that were installed backto 1989, which makes replacement easyand eliminates the need for curb adaptersor changing utility connections.Single-stage units deliver SEERs up to14.0. IEERs up to 15.2. All models arecapable of either vertical or horizontalairflow.The Bryant rooftop unit (RTU) wasdesigned by customers for customers.With “no-strip” screw collars, handledaccess panels, and more, the unit is easy toinstall, easy to maintain, and easy to use.Your new 3 to 6 ton Bryant Legacy Linerooftop unit (RTU) provides optimumcomfort and control from a packagedrooftop.Value-added features include:• optional Perfect Humidity™ dehumid-ification system for improved part loadhumidity performance•Puron® refrigerant (R-410A)• single point gas and electricalconnections• RTU Open controller for BACnet1,LonWorks2, Modbus3 and JohnsonControls N2• 3 to 5 ton models use fixed refrigerantmetering devices and 6 ton models usea TXV • Scroll compressors with internal line-break overload protection• Units come with an easy access tool-less filter door. Filter track tilts out forfilter removal and replacement. All fil-ters are the same size in each unitInstallation easeAll Legacy Line units are field-convert-ible to horizontal airflow, which makes iteasy to adjust to unexpected job-site com-plications. Lighter units make for easyreplacement. Simple, fast plug-in connec-tions to the standard integrated unit con-trol board (UCB). Clearly labeledconnections points reduce installationtime. Also, a large control box providesroom to work and room to mount Bryantaccessory controls.Easy to maintainWith the new Axion Fan Vane Axial fansystem and direct drive ECM motor, thereis no longer a need to adjust belts or pul-leys as in past designs. This frees upmaintenance and installation time.Easy access handles by Bryant providequick and easy access to all normally ser-viced components. Our “no-strip” screwsystem has superior holding power andguides screws into position while prevent-ing the screw from stripping the unit’smetal.Sloped, corrosion resistant compositedrain pan sheds water and won’t rust.Easy to useThe newly re-designed Unit ControlBoard by Bryant puts all connections andtroubleshooting points in one convenientplace. Most low voltage connections aremade to the same board for easy access.Setting up the fan is made simple by anintuitive switch and rotary dial arrange-ment. Bryant rooftops have high and lowpressure switches, a filter drier, and 2-in.filters standard.