Sigler Dealer Program Sign-Up Form - Carrier

Dealer Profile and Registration Information
Dealership Contact Information
Principal Contact Information
Marketing Contact Information
Service/Sales Manager Contact Information
Program Selection
  • Comfort Dealer Plus and Temperature Tough Dealers have a maximum of 30 zip codes. Temperature Tough Gold Dealers have a maximum of 60 zip codes. Zip code radius guidelines are designated by region. Please contact your Territory Manager for your regions specific guidelines. All Dealers must have a Carrier compliant website in order to be listed on locator.This portion of the enrollment form must be also be completed in order to be listed on dealer locator for the 2024 program year. Please include your website where indicated below.

    • Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10  
      Click the plus ( + ) icon on right to add additional rows for zip codes
  • Payment and Program Requirements

    Upon receipt of the signed registration form, Sigler Wholesale Distributors – Carrier Division will invoice the dealer the above total cost of enrollment in the Dealer Program.

    **Comfort Dealer level will be billed in one installment due in May . * Comfort Dealer Plus, Temperature Tough Dealer and Temperature Tough Gold Dealer levels will have extended terms reflected on each invoice so that 1/2 will be due in May and 1/2 in September .

    Non-payment of Dealer Program fees will incur the following penalties:

    • First half of Dealer billings not paid by EOM July would forfeit first half advertising accrual
    • First half of Dealer Billings not paid by EOM September would forfeit first half trip accruals
    • Second half of Dealer Billings not paid by EOM November would forfeit 3 quarters marketing accrual
    • Entire Dealer Billing not paid by EOY would forfeit all advertising and trip accruals for the year

    Enrollment entitles participating dealers to all the standard offerings of the program. By signing below, the dealer fully understands that their account must be in good credit standing to receive any and all of the benefits of the program and they agree to purchase the minimum required of all their residential equipment purchases from Sigler Wholesale Distributors (60% for Comfort Dealer, 75% for Temperature Tough and 80% for Temperature Tough Gold). This Dealer Program specifically prohibits dealers from purchasing other Carrier Corp. brands, i.e.: Tempstar, Heil, Comfortmaker, Keeprite and Day & Night. This program and its components are non-transferable (have no cash value) and may be cancelled at any time by Sigler Wholesale Distributors without refund or prior notification.

    Both parties agree that if the dealership is sold or changes ownership within the current year, the contract will be terminated.

    All registrations are subject to management approval.

    I fully understand these programs are designed for Single Family add-on and replacement sales only and that residential new construction and commercial purchases do not qualify for any of the benefits based on product sales dollars.